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Clean Out Your Clutter

Updated: Dec 23, 2018

By Fila McMillan-Antwine |

Cleaning is vital to making the space and creating room for those opportunities waiting for you.

Ok love so we are well into spring with the first week officially down. That means you should have started your spring cleaning or at least be in a space to start planning what needs to be thrown out, tossed aside, or given up. Most of us tend to focus only on the obvious clutter around us but you need to pay special attention to those corners and crevices that often get missed. So, here is my checklist for spring cleaning your home, head, and heart:

1. Start with your phone - it's the thing you use most and keep closest to you on a daily basis. It's always at your disposal and that means it's full of crap that you no longer have a need for. Delete excess pictures, contacts, and emails. You'll feel lighter and less stressed plus your phone will likely run faster now that space is free.

2. Scroll social media - you're always on there anyway so it's an easy shift. Check out your timeline and see what you see most. If the rhetoric is mostly negative or annoying from any of the accounts you see get rid of them. Preserve your sanity by blocking anything you don't want to penetrate your thoughts.

3. De-clutter those closets - you have clothes you can't fit, shoes you don't want, and bags you don't need. Get rid of the things that are no longer your size or style and consider donating them to dress for success or a similar program.

4. Clear your mental space - so much of what happens in life begins in the mind so we want to be sure our minds are at peace as much as possible. Take time and dedicate to a practice of yoga, meditation, deep breathing, or prayer for at least 10 mins in the morning and 10 minutes before bed. It will help you tremendously with getting better rest, better digestion, and overall improved mood.

5. Check your fridge - what you've been eating is often responsible for what's also eating you. The winter can be hard and you may have been snacking on chips, dips, sugar, and processed foods. Now is the time to throw all of that out and fill up on fresh fruits and veggies for better health and wellness. Let's not forget summer is right around the corner!

6. Make house a home - spruce up your place with some fresh smells and sights. Add some color with new accessories, buy a diffuser to fill your home with the smell and benefits of pure, essential oils. Put on a fresh coat of paint or re-vamp your favorite room altogether. 

7. Let in the light - human beings need sunlight and you can be sure you aren't getting enough. So open those blinds, crack the windows, and let the sun fill you up with its warmth. It can make all the difference some days.

Feel free to add to this checklist as you see fit. It's really all about opening new doors and allowing new blessings to sprout in your life. Cleaning is vital to making the space and creating room for those opportunities waiting for you. A little at a time will go a long way. Get started today! Love Fila

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